Logotipo de SSTenligne

Política de privacidad

The protection of your privacy is important to us. SSTenligne – e-learning, its subsidiaries and the members of its group (collectively, "SSTenligne", and "we") are committed to protecting the privacy, security and accuracy of personal information we collect, use or communicate in accordance with the applicable legislation. This privacy protection (the "Privacy Protection Policy") constitutes a statement of principles and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information of individuals who are our clients, service providers and other individuals ("you") (with the exception of our staff, whose personal information is collected, used and communicated in accordance with our Privacy Protection Policy for the staff.

BY PROVIDING PERSONAL INFORMATION TO SSTENLIGNE OR ITS AGENTS, YOU AGREE THAT WE MAY COLLECT, USE OR DISCLOSE SUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PRIVACY PROTECTION POLICY, TO PREFERENCES OF THE PROTECTION OF PRIVACY THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN US AND AS PERMITTED OR REQUIRED BY THE ACT. Subject to legal and contractual requirements, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to certain of the identified purposes at any time by contacting us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, we may be unable to provide you with certain services or information that may be useful to you.

1. The type of personal information collected

2. The reasons for the collection of your personal information

3. The communication of your personal information

4. The control of your personal information

5. The storage of your personal information

6. The protection of your personal information

7. The protection of the privacy and our websites

8. Modifications to the Privacy Protection Policy

9. How to contact us


1. The type of personal information collected

The Canadian legislation on the protection of personal information defines personal information in a rather general way as information about an "identifiable individual" or as information allowing to identify an individual. The types of personal information that we may collect from you from time to time include: your name, your address, your phone number, your e-mail address, your forwarding address (i.e., during vacation) your previous address/addresses, information concerning the payment (for billing purposes), your mailing preferences (such as "no sample of perfume", "no packaging", etc.), your delivery instructions and service preferences (such as "no solicitation"). Furthermore, every now and then, we may ask you more information about your interests, your profession and your background. For example, we sometimes ask our customers to fill surveys in order to better know them and questions, products and services that may be of interest to them and our readership. Finally, every now and then, we can make the acquisition of demographic and other information concerning you (i.e, on your profession and your interests) from an external organization, but only if you have previously agreed to allow this organization to communicate the information to companies such as SSTenligne.

2. The reasons for the collection of your personal information

We collect your personal information for the purposes indicated below:

(a) In order to provide the product, service or information that you have requested

If you are a customer of one of our trainings, we use your name and address (mailing address and / or email address) to deliver the service or information you requested and to follow up on the transaction (ie, send an invoice, etc.).

(b) In order to process the payment

Your credit card number, your debit card number, or the banking information concerning the payments by automatic debiting are used only for processing payments and introduce you to the various choice of payment, and not for marketing purposes.

(c) To send you information

Every now and then, we can send you more information concerning the training offered or other related products.

(d) Other purposes

Furthermore, every now and then, we can use your personal information for the following purposes:

·      to identify errors, fraud, theft and other illegal activities and protect SSTenligne;
·      to understand your needs and preferences, including to communicate with you and perform surveys, research and assessments;
·      to obtain audited records concerning the number of purchased, followed training, etc.; and
·      for any other purpose that we may inform you about every now and then.

3. The communication of your personal information

We can communicate your personal information to following third parties under the circumstances indicated below:

·         (a) Communications to the providers of services

We can communicate your personal information to other companies that provide services on our behalf, such as suppliers of services for the processing of payments. Furthermore, we may disclose your personal information to an organization or to an individual whose services have been retained by SSTenligne to assess your creditworthiness or to collect outstanding debts on an account, or to our auditors. We will only provide those companies with the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information to any other purpose.   

·         (b) Application of the Act and communication under an Act

SSTenligne may disclose your personal information to a government agency acting within lawful authority to obtain the information or when SSTenligne has reasonable grounds to believe that the information could be useful in the investigation of an illicit activity, or to comply with a subpeona, a warrant or an order of a court or tribunal, of a person or of a competent body requiring the presentation of information, or to comply with the decision of a tribunal concerning the submission of pieces of information. SSTenligne may also disclose your personal information to its legal adviser.

4. The control of your personal information

SSTenligne wants you to be able to keep control of the way in which we use your personal information. In particular:

·         E-mail communications will always include the identification of the sender as well as the option to "unsubscribe".

5. The storage of your personal information

Your personal information is stored on secure locations as well as on servers controlled by SSTenligne, located either in our offices or in the offices of our service providers. To consult your personal information, please communicate with the person responsible for privacy protection at the following address confidentialite@sstenligne.com.

6. The protection of your personal information

We deploy all reasonable efforts to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the personal information under our control. Our security policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary.

Only authorized employees and suppliers have access to your personal information. When personal information is sent to a third party for processing purposes, we ensure, through contractual agreements with the latter, that your personal information remains secure. We keep your personal information during the period where we provide you with a product or service, and for a reasonable period thereafter in the event that you would like to obtain a new service

We operate secure data networks protected by firewall systems and password protection corresponding to the standards of the industry. The information concerning credit cards are treated through processes of encryption and security corresponding to the standards of the industry.

7. The protection of the privacy and our websites

SSTenligne sometimes collects personal information through its various websites. This clause contains additional information regarding the collection of such personal information.

Cookies - When an individual accesses to the SSTenligne websites, we may use a device of the browser called a "cookie" to collect information as the type of Internet browser and the operating system that the visitor uses, the domain name of the websites from where the visitor comes from, the date and duration of the visit, the number of visits, average time spent on our websites, pages viewed and the number of cookies accumulated. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that identifies the visitor’s browser (without necessarily identify the latter) to the intention of our computers each time our websites are visited. Unless a visitor specifically informs us (i.e., by enrolling in our services or sending us a message from the websites), we will not know the identity of the visitors. Besides the identified purposes described in our Privacy Protection Policy, we can use this information from our websites and share it with other organizations with whom we have a commercial relationship to measure the use of our websites and to improve the functionality and content. Visitors can reset their browser in order to be notified as soon as they receive a cookie or to refuse cookies. However, when a visitor refuses cookies, he/she may be unable to use some of the features available in our websites.

Online communications - – In order to receive a product, a service or training, visitors to our websites may voluntarily submit their personal information to us for purposes such as questions, requests for information, a subscription to a training, consultation or downloading a video, the participation in contests or surveys. If SSTenligne has identified you as a registered user of an online service, we may combine and store personal information about your use of our websites and the online information you have provided with certain other online and offline that we may have been able to gather.

Communications by e-mail  - Occasionally, there may be instances when we will send you by e-mail communications linked to marketing or of promotional nature containing information that can be useful to you, including information about the products and services of SSTenligne and other third parties with whom we have a commercial relationship. We will include instructions on how to unsubscribe and inform us of your preferences if you decide that you do not want to receive marketing e-mails or of promotional nature in the future from SSTenligne.
Furthermore, if you send us a message by e-mail, we may retain that message and your e-mail address, as well as any response we send you.
Opinion polls  - The opinion polls on our websites are anonymous. We do not correlate between the votes expressed in these surveys and names or e-mail addresses, unless this is expressly indicated at the time of the collection.

Research  - For your convenience, research functions are sometimes provided on our websites. We keep logs in which the terms sought are recorded in order to learn more about the kind of information our visitors are seeking and thus improve our services.

Hyperliens – For your convenience, SSTenligne websites sometimes include hyperlinks to websites managed by third parties. By activating these links, you will leave SSTenligne’s websites for those of third parties, which may be subject of practices and policies for the privacy protection different from those of SSTenligne. SSTenligne disclaims any responsibility for the use of these third-party websites.

Advertising to children  - We believe that none of the websites of SSTenligne does not address directly to children aged 13 years and less. Our ads are not intended knowingly children aged 12 and less, except as authorized by the Act.

Individuals under the age of 18 years  - The individuals under the age of 18 should not provide or display personal information on our websites without the permission of their parents or guardian. In the framework of participation in a contest, we can ask for the name, address, phone number, e-mail address and the date of birth of an individual under the age of 18 years so that we can notify if he/she wins the contest. In this case, we will ask for the consent of a parent or guardian before collecting the information.

No information collected from users under the age of 18 years is used for any marketing or promotional purposes by SSTenligne. Unless otherwise indicated at the time of the collection, we do not provide any personal information collected by the intermediary of a website of SSTenligne on the part of individuals under the age of 18 years, regardless of the source, to any third-party for any reason whatsoever.

8. Modifications to the Privacy Protection Policy

SSTenligne reserves the right to modify or supplement this Privacy Protection Policy at any time. If we make changes to this Privacy Protection Policy, we will post these changes on our websites and the amended policy will be available on request to the person responsible for the privacy protection of SSTenligne. However, SSTenligne will obtain the necessary consents required under the terms of laws on the protection of personal information applicable if it seeks to collect, use or disclose personal information about an individual for purposes other than those for which the consent was given, unless otherwise required or permitted by the Act.

9. How to contact us

SSTenligne has appointed a person responsible for the privacy protection who oversees compliance with this Privacy Protection Policy and the laws applicable to the protection of personal information. The contact information of the person responsible for the privacy protection of SSTenligne is the following:

 Person responsible for privacy protection of SSTenligne
B080-2000 Boul. des Récollets
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G8Z 3X4
E-mail : confidentialite@sstenligne.com